


Prioritizing the Needs of Locals

Ensuring that city policies and initiatives prioritize the needs and concerns of our local residents, including affordable housing, job opportunities, public safety, and access to essential services, to enhance the quality of life for all members of our community.

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• Conduct community needs assessments and surveys to identify and prioritize the most pressing issues and concerns of local residents in different neighborhoods and demographics.

• Establish neighborhood councils and advisory committees to represent the interests and voices of residents in municipal decision-making processes and policy development.

• Strengthen partnerships with local nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and social service agencies to address homelessness, poverty, and other social challenges affecting our community.

• Implement workforce development programs and job training initiatives to provide pathways to economic opportunity and upward mobility for residents facing barriers to employment and career advancement.

• Advocate for developments that improve city functions for local residents.

Revitalizing Downtown

Launching comprehensive revitalization efforts for our downtown area, including supporting local businesses, enhancing public spaces, and promoting cultural events to create a dynamic and inclusive urban center that reflects the heart of our community.

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• Beautify streetscapes with public art installations, landscaping, and outdoor seating areas to create a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.

• Renovate historic buildings and repurpose vacant storefronts for mixed-use developments, including retail, dining, office space, and residential units.

• Prohibition on commercial and residential subleases by non-locally based companies in the downtown area.

• Eliminate parking fees for downtown employers and employees.

• Decrease parking structure rates to $2/hr and meter rates to $3/hr.

Affordable Housing Solutions

Prioritizing the creation of affordable housing options to address the needs of working families, students, and seniors, while also promoting mixed-income neighborhoods that foster inclusivity and diversity.

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• Develop inclusionary zoning policies requiring new residential developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units.

• Create a housing trust fund to provide financial assistance and grants to developers and organizations building affordable housing projects.

• Streamline the permitting process for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and tiny homes to increase affordable housing options for residents.

• Partner with local employers to provide workforce housing programs and down payment assistance for employees.

• Implement rent stabilization measures and tenant protections to prevent displacement and ensure housing stability for renters.

Sustainable Urban Development Initiatives

Implementing policies to encourage eco-friendly infrastructure, such as green building standards and incentives for renewable energy adoption, to ensure our city remains a leader in sustainability without burdening taxpayers.

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• Promote green building practices and incentives for developers to incorporate energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials into new construction projects.

• Expand green spaces and urban parks to improve air quality, provide recreational opportunities, and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

• Implement bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, and safe crosswalks to encourage alternative modes of transportation and reduce reliance on cars.

• Establish urban farming and community garden programs to increase local food production and promote healthy eating habits.

• Encourage mixed-use zoning to create walkable neighborhoods with easy access to amenities, shops, and services.

Invest in infrastructure and job creation in rural areas to revitalize local economies and promote self-sufficiency.

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• Promote green building practices and incentives for developers to incorporate energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials into new construction projects.

• Expand green spaces and urban parks to improve air quality, provide recreational opportunities, and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

• Implement bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, and safe crosswalks to encourage alternative modes of transportation and reduce reliance on cars.

• Establish urban farming and community garden programs to increase local food production and promote healthy eating habits.

• Encourage mixed-use zoning to create walkable neighborhoods with easy access to amenities, shops, and services.

Investing in Public Transportation

Enhancing our public transportation system to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and provide accessible mobility options for all residents, including those in underserved communities.

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• Expand bus routes and frequency to provide better coverage and service to underserved neighborhoods and suburban areas.

• Invest in electric buses and alternative fuel vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

• Enhance transit infrastructure with dedicated bus lanes, transit hubs, and park-and-ride facilities to improve system efficiency and reliability.

• Introduce fare subsidies and discounted transit passes for low-income residents and students to make public transportation more accessible and affordable.

• Implement real-time tracking and mobile payment systems to improve the rider experience and encourage more people to use public transit.

Enhancing our public transportation system to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and provide accessible mobility options for all residents, including those in underserved communities.

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• Expand bus routes and frequency to provide better coverage and service to underserved neighborhoods and suburban areas.

• Invest in electric buses and alternative fuel vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

• Enhance transit infrastructure with dedicated bus lanes, transit hubs, and park-and-ride facilities to improve system efficiency and reliability.

• Introduce fare subsidies and discounted transit passes for low-income residents and students to make public transportation more accessible and affordable.

• Implement real-time tracking and mobile payment systems to improve the rider experience and encourage more people to use public transit.

Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action

Implementing robust climate action plans to reduce carbon emissions, increase renewable energy sources, and protect our natural resources, safeguarding the unique beauty and ecological integrity of our coastal city.

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• Adopt energy efficiency standards for municipal buildings and infrastructure projects to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

• Expand recycling programs and implement composting initiatives to reduce waste and promote a circular economy.

• Support investments in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and nuclear to transition to a clean energy future and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

• Promote enhanced coastal protection measures and wetland restoration projects to mitigate the impacts of sea-level rise and coastal erosion.

• Implement water conservation measures and sustainable water management practices to preserve our freshwater resources and promote drought resilience.

Equitable Access to Education and Healthcare

Advocating for accessible and affordable education and healthcare services for all residents, regardless of income or background, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

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• Increase funding for teacher salaries and professional development opportunities.

• Increase funding for school infrastructure improvements, such as technology upgrades and building repairs.

• Expand access to early childhood education programs to prepare children for success in school.

• Provide more resources and support to public charter schools that serve disadvantaged communities.

• Promote school choice by allowing parents to use tax credits or vouchers to attend the school of their choice.

• Expand mental health services and counseling resources in schools and community centers to support emotional well-being and address mental health stigma.

Supporting Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship

Providing resources, incentives, and support networks for local entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive, fostering innovation, job creation, and economic resilience within our community.

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• Create a small business incubator program to provide mentoring, training, and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs to launch and grow their ventures.

• Establish revolving loan funds and microfinance programs to provide capital and financial assistance to small businesses and startups.

• Host networking events, workshops, and seminars to connect entrepreneurs with investors, mentors, and potential partners.

• Streamline permitting processes and reduce regulatory barriers to make it easier for small businesses to start and operate in our city.

• Partner with CalPoly and other research institutions to commercialize innovations and technology startups and create high-quality jobs in emerging industries.

Civic Engagement and Transparency

Promoting transparency, accountability, and public participation in local government decision-making processes, ensuring that residents have a voice in shaping the future of our city.

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• Hold regular town hall meetings, community forums, and listening sessions to gather input and feedback from residents on key issues and decision-making processes.

• Publish city budgets, contracts, and meeting minutes online in a user-friendly format to increase transparency and accountability in local government.

• Establish citizen advisory boards and task forces to involve residents in policy discussions and decision-making on a wide range of topics.

• Implement participatory budgeting programs that allow residents to vote on how to allocate a portion of the city budget to prioritize community needs and projects.

• Expand language access services and interpretation services to ensure that non-English speaking residents can fully participate in civic engagement opportunities and public meetings.

Preserving and Celebrating Local Culture and History

Protecting and promoting the rich cultural heritage and history of our city, including supporting arts, heritage, and preservation initiatives that celebrate our diverse communities and traditions.

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• Provide funding and support for local museums, historical societies, and cultural organizations to preserve and showcase our city's rich heritage and traditions.

• Designate historic districts and landmarks to protect and conserve architecturally significant buildings and sites from demolition or inappropriate development.

• Host heritage festivals, storytelling events, and walking tours to celebrate the diverse cultural identities and contributions of our community members.

• Incorporate public art, murals, and sculptures that reflect the unique history, landscapes, and narratives of our city into urban planning and redevelopment projects.

• Offer grants and sponsorships for community-driven initiatives and creative placemaking projects that engage residents in exploring and sharing their cultural roots and identities.

Paid for by Drake for SLO City Council 2024

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